Is it YOU?
Great! To begin your dream incubator process, contact tish@blissspiritualco-op.org.
Last year, bliss Facilitators offered nearly 200 ONSITE and/or ONLINE classes each month. Our class topics have included but are not limited to painting/drawing, cooking demonstrations, book clubs, centering prayer, guitar, arts/crafts, creative writing, dream interpretation workshops, empowerment programs, yoga/salsa/Qigong/body sculpting/Gyrokensis/belly dancing, gardening, Scripture study, sewing, knitting, guided and silent meditation, nutrition, weight loss, 12 step, and caregiver support groups, continuum, singing bowls, energy clinics, jewelry design/restyle/repair, cultural immersion classes and guided community outreach opportunities.
The most exciting aspect is that bliss is an ever-emerging co-op and class offerings expand with your participation. Thank-you for your YES!!!