7:00 – 8:30 pm (EST), 2nd Monday in the GATHERING room.
We are looking to connect and collaborate with individuals who feel that they are from other star systems or galaxies, who channel a higher consciousness or who have had contact with ET’s, Angels, other realities or dimensions.
Do you feel as though you come from another time and another place?
Do you look to the sky and stars and feel like that is where you belong?
Have you had interactions or contacts with Galactic Beings, ET’s, other Dimensional Realties?
Have you ever experienced UFO’s?
Have you ever received information from a Higher Intelligence that was not from the Earth?
Would you like to be able to share these experiences and your story in a supportive environment?
Facilitator: Mark Patterson, theccnc@gmail.com
Mark is an acclaimed sound healer. Mark received his ability to heal others through sound in a Near Death Experience. He has been a featured and keynote speaker at expos and conferences all over the world. Mark has experienced encounters with ET’s, UFO’s, Time Space Travel, and other dimensional realities since childhood.