ONSITE Sacred Ceremony Sound Healing Reiki w/ Chris Wampler

Chris W Headshot 2022
6:00 – 7:00 pm (EST), monthly on the 2nd Monday in the HEALING room.
Group Reiki will be shared with all in the circle. BE free as you heavily relax to sounds of ocean waves and ocean energies with the wave drum, the Native American/Celtic flute, shamanic drum and the didgeridoo.
Reiki is an ancient sacred healing technique used to promote relaxation, healing, balancing, the list is long. This universal Reiki energy is transferred through the palms of the Practitioner to the Participant to alleviate emotional and physical discomfort and receive love and healing. Healing may be tailored and personalized, as time permits, for each Participant by different forms of meditation such as guided verbal as well as use of several different kinds of instruments.
Facilitator: Chris Wampler, 843 830 7047, irlhaggard@gmail.com
 I am a humble old soul, seasoned reiki master, healer of all sorts, jack of all trades, an artist in plenty forms. A lover of plant medicine and a grower of herbal plants and medicinal mushrooms!! There is more than meets the eye when it comes to me.
I’ve been told by other reiki Practitioners and teachers that I have a gift and that the reiki I perform isn’t like most Reiki and keeps getting better. I learned happiness and was never able to find it but when I look in my heart, that’s where it will be!!
I know that traumas, emotions or whatever you want to call them are stored in the body, and when we hold onto them, all sorts of poltergeist.
Dis-eases and ailments occur… So, I am here to help people release traumas in a healthy fashion. I am also here to help people reach euphoria, high vibrations, and more of an enlightenment state of being!! Or maybe, just to help others become more relaxed, to relieve daily stress, and to let go of anything that is no longer serving them. I can also work on whatever physical and emotional ailments you have.
It will be my honor to work with you!