ONSITE/ONLINE Relationship Coaching WellBEing session w/ Katherine Walters

Katherine Walters Hedshot 2023

Private 1-hour introductory session offered for a minimum pre-paid $21 donation via VENMO (@Bliss-SpiritualCo-op) or Credit Card (givetobliss.com). * Please make a note with your donation that it is for a WellBEing session with Katherine Walters and include your preferred method for her to contact you for scheduling. *

Once your donation is received, Katherine will contact you to set up a convenient appointment time to meet ONSITE at bliss or ONLINE.

Relationships are at the core of our human experience. Connection is a human need, and we all desire and deserve happiness. I would be honored to work with you to improve the quality of your relationships!

Whether you want to improve a difficult relationship or whether you desire to manifest a new fulfilling relationship in your life, I can guide you using the transformative technology of Katherine Woodward Thomas (KWT). I am Certified by KWT to coach her two programs, both best-selling books: Conscious Uncoupling TM (CU) and Calling in “The One”TM (CITO). Read more below.

I coach for clarity and results! In my coaching, we work some with the past (with your “source wounds,” “shadows” or “false identity”), and then we move relatively quickly into focusing on the future you desire, toward the fulfillment of your goals, of embracing your potential, of flourishing and thriving. And we begin the journey right where you are now. My clients embrace personal growth, authenticity, and their own creative power.

We will meet in the KNOWING room, where it is comfortable and private. Once you complete your registration for a WellBEing session with me, I will email you a form with a few simple questions that will give you the opportunity to tell me a little bit about what you’re most needing or how I can best support you. Examples of what we can do together include: setting an intention, identifying your pattern(s), dealing with big emotions, naming your false and true identities (typically requires more than one session), identifying things you can do to stay grounded when you get triggered, identifying practical things you can change in the way that you show up with others, creating power statements, visioning your future, identifying missing skills or capacities that you may need to develop, and more. If you have an intention, a goal, or a request, please share it with me along with some background. It will also be helpful for me to know how familiar you are with KWT. All of this information will allow our session to be more focused and productive. I look forward to our time together.

The following principles (adapted from CU and CITO) are foundational in my coaching:

Life is happening through us rather than to us. We are continually generating our lives by how we interpret and respond to whatever is happening.

Our past and present circumstances do not determine our future. The intentions we hold & our willingness to live in alignment with these intentions is what determines what’s possible for us to create. 

We unleash an unlimited amount of creativity and power to heal and transform our lives the moment we become willing to relinquish victimization and take full responsibility for ourselves as the source of our experience. Though others often behave badly and victimize us with their poor choices or hurtful actions, we unleash a tremendous amount of power to move beyond old painful patterns and to generate a positive future when we become willing to own our part in things, even if our part was passive and mostly invisible. 

We align ourselves with faith in the overall goodness of life. It is up to us to create meaning and make the choice to generate something beautiful out of everything broken, thereby generating value from all of our painful experiences.

We are likely to repeat old painful patterns in relationships until we develop those missing skills and capacities that would allow us to do things differently.  The opportunity of a challenging relationship is to reflect upon our own missing development, and to take up the task of learning new skills and capacities that will allow us to have happier, healthy experiences of connection.

When we alter our relationships with ourselves, the externals of our lives will organically alter accordingly.  The issues we struggle with in our relationships are usually mirroring back our own internal issues with ourselves.

Conscious Uncoupling TM (CU) is a mindful and compassionate approach to ending a romantic relationship. It emphasizes personal growth and empowerment, emotional healing, and maintaining respect and cooperation to the degree possible between partners during the separation process. It encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own feelings and actions, communicate honestly, while prioritizing the well-being of themselves and any children involved. It fosters a sense of closure. It is transformative and supports everyone involved to live their best lives on the others side of the uncoupling.

Calling in “The One”TM (CITO) focuses on transforming old patterns of love and attracting a healthy, fulfilling romantic relationship. It combines spiritual and practical principles to guide individuals in manifesting their ideal partner. The approach involves deep self-reflection, setting clear intentions, healing past wounds, and aligning with one’s desires. Through inner work and specific exercises, individuals learn to identify, and release limiting beliefs, cultivate self-love, create a clear vision of their desired relationship, and live in alignment with that vision. CITO is about both Becoming “The One” and about Manifesting “The One”.

Facilitator: Katherine Walters, katherine@leanintotransformation.com, https://leanintotransformation.com/

Relationship coaching is my 3rd career! It was launched in 2018 as a result of my separation from my husband of 14 years. Our biggest pains truly become our greatest strengths and our offerings to the world! Conscious Uncoupling saved my life. After embracing it and doing “the work”, it became my passion to help others. KWT’s transformative technologies in CU and CITO are the foundation of my relationship coaching.

Using the transformative technology in KWT’s coaching framework, I transformed my life from an unfulfilling, sparse inner landscape to a joyful, fulfilling, dynamic life filled with possibility, potential and happiness. I continue to lean into my edge and discover new parts of myself. Living this transformation, putting into practice everything that I coach, I am now dating an amazing man, who inspires and complements me, who supports and encourages me. 

And…. I have infinite gratitude to my ex-husband, who challenged me and continues to give me frequent learning opportunities as we coparent my teenage son. 😊

With a bachelor’s degree in economics, a master’s in business administration, a career as a Certified Public Accountant and another career as an U.S. Army Officer, I continue to live a life of service as a relationship coach. In me, you will find strength and fearlessness to face the dark with you. Trustworthiness. The ability to handle complexity. Kindness. Compassion. Cultural sensitivity. And grounded optimism. All of my coaching is confidential.

Other training I’ve had or teachers I study include:
Authentic Relating.
Mike Dooley, The Universe Talks.
Sue Morter, The Energy Codes.

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