6:00 – 7:oo pm (EST)
7:15 – 8:15 pm (EST)
every 1st and 3rd Monday in the HEALING room.
Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique developed in the early 1900’s by Mikao Usui to stimulate health and vitality through channeling life force energy. While promoting a deep state of relaxation, Reiki therapy may reduce stress, anxiety, and pain through gentle touch and transferring of energy. The practitioner delivers this energy through their hands to assist in improving the recipients biofield flow and balance on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. By having a tranquil effect on the mind and body, Reiki promotes healing and restoration while having a favorable influence on the parasympathetic and autonomic nervous systems.
Access Bars was developed by Gary Douglas as a set of tools and processes applied to facilitate more consciousness. As a restorative modality, Access Bars involves the practitioner connecting with 32 points on participants head through gentle touch. This contact facilitates the release of negative energetic thought forms, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that create barriers. As energetic blockages are discharged, a rebalancing occurs making room for improved thought patterns. Results may include a more peaceful mind, relaxed body, improved outlook, stress relief, more energy, and feeling replenished. Measurements of electrical activity of the brain conducted after an Access Bars treatment were shown to have literally calmed brain activity down.
Facilitator: Lisa Ann Helmly,MS,RDN,LDN, lisa@lisahelmly.com
- Holy Fire III/Karuna Reiki Master
- Certified Kundalini Reiki Practitioner
- Certified Access Bars Practitioner
- Passionate about inspiring people to optimize their health and wellbeing.
- Small changes yield big results.
As a Low Country Native, Lisa is enthused to share complimentary integrated healing and restorative modalities to promote optimal health and well-being. Holding a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration equipped Lisa to gain experience in the corporate environment, flip residential housing properties, and continue managing her rental property business. Completing a Master of Science in Nutrition as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist prepared Lisa for working in the medical sector assisting patients with a variety of illnesses, disease states, and conditions. During this time to the present, Lisa pursued further studies in alternative and integrative health practices attaining multiple credentials. While working in these areas, Lisa continued serving in her roles as a mother, daughter, sister, and friend.
Sounds Productive Right? Does Being More Productive Support Health and Well-Being?
“Getting busier does not necessarily make you better…affectively managing your stress does!”
You really didn’t think all of that activity was done perfectly with complete ease and grace, did you? Of course not. As Lisa was stressed out creating elevated levels of cortisol and adrenaline, this lack of balance was in opposition to a positive state of health and well-being. How ironic is that behavior? Lisa more fully understands how stress and being out of balance can have a negative impact on the mind and body. Sometimes the vehicle that drives a person to do, may eventually run them over. Hypothetically speaking, imagine being in a hit and run accident driven by yourself in your very own car. Can you relate now? The coping mechanism of burning the candle at both ends is comfortable because it is familiar. However, the candle may eventually burn out.
If there is one commonality that we all have in this human experience, it’s managing our own life stressors. Add a dose or two of trauma along the way and what do you get…Amplified Stress with Triggers. The well-being sessions are offered here for interested participants to explore complementary and integrative approaches on processing and managing stress to ultimately feel and function better. You are invited to take this peaceful exploration on optimizing your own health and happiness.