6:00 – 7:00 pm (EST), monthly on the 2nd Monday beginning in the FEELING room and including a cool down Sound Bath Blessing in the KNOWING room.
Qi Gong “Cultivation of Energy.” Qi Gong exercises have been used in China for over 4,000, years to cultivate energy, vitality, and over all well-being. Qi Gong increases your life force and vitality. Qi Gong exercises can super charge your immune system and help reverse aging.
Facilitator: Mark Patterson, theccnc@gmail.com
Mark Patterson is in his 5th year of facilitating Qi Gong at bliss Spiritual Co-Op and has been a Practitioner of Qi Gong for over 25 years. Mark has studied with Effy Chow, Miracle Healing from China. Mantak Chia, Alchemy Qi Gong. Jeff Primlack, Supreme Science QiGong and Bruce Franztis, Taoist Fire Qi Gong.
In November of 2020 while practicing Qi Gong on ZOOM together Mark, and the bliss Founder Tish Voit, downloaded a new modality they named the bliss Breath Technique or 12 Breath Method. The 12 Breath Method is one of the most Powerful Breathing Techniques available today and has been incorporated into this advanced level Qi Gong and Breath Work class. Mark closes the class with Vocal Toning, Crystal Singing Bowls, and his Powerful Resonant Voice.
He travels monthly from his home outside of Asheville to share his love of Qi Gong with us ONSITE at bliss. Please join him to experience the effects of this new technique.