7:00 – 8:30 pm (EST), monthly on the 2nd Wednesday in the GATHERING room.

Come along on a Multidimensional ride into the heart of the divine, where we will grow our spiritual gardens to new heights! I am Francesca rose your Omniversal Guide. Each class I will channel a new Goddess and we will unleash our inner flowers. Bring your tiara so that we may channel our highest Queen Goddess beauty aspects, a crystal so that we may program it with the Goddess codes we obtain, and a pen and paper, for notes that we take for the discussion part of the class and for your own personal use.
We will be connecting to Sofia divine feminine energy, where we connect to the womb of creation in a guided meditation, protected by the sacred space of highest source energy, we will be energetically Transported each class to the center of Creation with fully open hearts, led by the Mother energy of love that animates the all, and from there we will see what Goddesses is divinely sent to enter into our vibrational fields, based on the needs of the collective energy of the class. We will be anchoring in Goddess codes, activations, clearings, healings, expansions, hidden spiritual gifts, divine guidance, miracles, revelations and so much more!!
If time permits, I will facilitate a collective oracle reading.
This class allows for Divine Goddess energy to fill you, and it seeks to illuminate you, so that you may find the answers within the heart of your own soul, to all that you seek, so that you may harness the power to answer your own prayers and obtain your highest timeline Omni Goddess path.
Facilitator: Francesca Rose, pinkcarebear21@gmail.com
Francesca Rose is an Omniversal Angelic guide called to Gaia for collective Omniversal Peace. She serves on the Light team sent to resurrect the Original Omniverse creator template, to activate it, and to heal the planet in the highest light fashion, that ultimately leads to the healing of all and facilitates the expansion of all universes, realms, dimensions, and reality’s, to our highest light Ascension during this new Earth Time.
As a Omniversal writer, planetary healer, collective healer, divine channeler, omniversal source code Activator and grid worker of all that is divine, Francesca has experienced Hieros gamos that fully activated her clairvoyance to see, her clair audience to hear, her clair sentience to feel, and her clear cognizance to clearly know how to pave a way to the heart of the soul of all. She serves as a conduit of pure source energy to serve as a light Dula with the ability to bridge the gap between the earth dimension and all other dimensions of the soul. Her goal is to complete her mission as one of the omniverse infinity guides that helps to lead the collective out of the shadows into full light embodiment, and back to the cosmic garden of the light of the creator self, while remaining on this earth. Her most important role is serving as the Mother of two divine male kings and two divine female Pomeranian princess, who has the heart to serve as the Omniversal Mother of all that are lost in the shadows of the mind.