7:00 – 8:30 pm (EST), monthly on the 4th Wednesday in the KNOWING room OR in the backyard around the labyrinth with a fire element dependent on weather. ***For September, please join Carmen in the KNOWING room with an invitation to gather around the labyrinth after the OM circle to enjoy a fire with others.***
Experience a beautiful combination of guided meditation, intention weaving, and sounding OM designed to help you relax, activate your higher wisdom, and light up your soul. Come prepared to sit comfortably in a chair and chant continuously for 12 minutes.
OM is the creation vibration and is an ancient, sacred sound and symbol found in religions throughout the world including Hinduism and Buddhism. It is believed that OM (AUM) became Amen in Christianity and Judaism and Amin in Islam. Compatible with all religious and spiritual paths, sounding OM is a powerful way to create healing for yourself, others, and our Mother Earth.
Facilitator: Carmen Nash, carmen@nashreconnectivehealing.com
Carmen is an energy healer offering ancient knowledge and modern techniques rooted in the teachings of Divine Mother. These powerful transmissions help people awaken their hearts to be their loving truth in ever-increasing capacity.
For more information about her offerings, please visit her website: www.nashreconnectivehealing.