10:30 – 12:00 pm (EST), weekly Tuesday with new topics for discussion in the KNOWING room beginning March 25th.
Are you feeling stressed, anxious and worried? Advances in neuroscience have given us proven techniques to transform stress, anxiety, and worry into feelings of ease, peace and well-being.
The benefits of using these proven methods consistently are:
- Improved sleep
- greatly enhanced immune system
- the body goes in healing mode and coherence
- it becomes hard to think negative thoughts
- creativity jumps by as much as 700% according to scientific journalist Steve Kotler
- you will stop flipping out at your loved ones
- you are more connected with intuition
- you feel grounded, relaxed and calm
- It slows the monkey mind.
I learned about the benefits of being in this state of mind after I was in an awful accident when I was hit by a pickup truck going 40 miles an hour while I was running across a crosswalk to catch a bus to work in the morning. Several bones broke and I was in a wheelchair for three months. I am not sure why, for a few weeks after the accident, instead of being upset and worried about the state of things, I was very grateful to be alive and I believed I was going to make a complete recovery.
I am not sure why I felt this way. It just happened. I did not consciously try to have this state of mind. For a few weeks right after the accident, I did not feel stress or anxiety. And for the first few weeks after, I did not have the inner self-critic like I had before the accident. I also did not have constant thoughts running through my mind, “the monkey mind”. For those first few weeks, my mind was pretty calm, and I felt an equanimity and that all was, in essence, well.
Then as I healed, the usual stress, anxiety and worry that I had felt before the accident all came back. I realized, though, the gift I had right after the accident — of being in a space were I felt such gratitude, calm and had a general sense of well-being, without the inner-critic, without habitual negative thoughts and without a constant flood of thoughts occupying my mind.
A friend sent me an audio of Eckhart Tolle’s book, The Power of Now. I understood it intellectually though had difficulty being in “the space between thoughts” for more than a few seconds or a minute at a time.
With research in recent discoveries in neuroscience and meditation, I learned very effective ways to be in the state I experienced after the accident for longer, and found that with consistency it became easier and easier.
In this workshop I will share three simple keys that naturally bring about this state of feeling peace, ease and well-being. These methods can be done anytime throughout the work day or any day. Consistency is very helpful. No materials required. You may want to take notes.
Jessica Foos Jones is a writer, artist and entrepreneur. She received a B.A. from Georgetown University, a BFA from New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University and an M.F.A from Nova Scotia College of Art and Design.
She has written for the Associated Press and People Magazine, and she has exhibited ceramic art at galleries in Santa Barbara, CA, San Francisco, CA, Charleston, SC, Sullivan’s Island, SC, Shanghai and Jing De Zhen, China.
She lives in Mount Pleasant, SC.
Visit her at JessicaFoosJones.com
Cell 415-816-2031