12:00 – 12:30 pm (EST), monthly the 3rd Saturday in the KNOWING room.
Everyone is warmly welcome to Experience HU- the Sound of Soul event.
HU is a carrier of love between Soul and God. Discover your inner guidance, healing for body, mind, and spirit, and a higher form of creativity by chanting he sacred sound of HU. Experience 20-25 minute HU and quiet contemplation followed by spiritual conversations and discussions.
Facilitator: Rachel Carnes, tedrach843@gmail.com
Hi! My name is Rachel Carnes and I live in Mt. Pleasant. When I was younger, I thought, this can’t be all there is. I want to know who I am, and what God is. I want to know the truth of life. This set me on a life long adventure of learning. I’m still learning and growing and loving life.