ONSITE Authentic Relating Circle w/ Katherine Walters

Katherine Walters Hedshot 2023

7:00 – 8:30 pm (EST), weekly Thursday in the FEELING room beginning November 7th. To honor yourself and others, please arrive on time.

Keep it Real: Connect & Reflect

If you’re seeking deeper, more meaningful, balanced relationships, and are ready to practice real relationship skills, this is the place for you.

Are you prepared to show up authentically and mindfully? In this circle, we practice the art of being human — together. 😊

Beyond connecting with others, you’ll discover the gift of connecting more deeply with yourself. If you’re on a journey of self-discovery and growth, this circle can offer you rich insights that further your journey.

People often leave authentic relating events feeling deeply seen, heard, and accepted for who they are.

I can’t wait to welcome you!

What to Expect:

  • Welcome & Intentions: Set the context for our time together.
  • Self-Connection Meditation: Ground and center yourself.
  • Teaching: Explore a core principle or practical tool for real relating.
  • Practice: Engage in small group exercises (usually in groups of 2-3) to bring these ideas to life.
  • Group Sharing: Reflect and share your experience with the circle.
  • Closing: Leave with a sense of community and connection.

Why Join?

  • Cultivate deeper, more meaningful relationships.
  • Enhance your communication skills.
  • Embrace vulnerability in a supportive environment.
  • Use relationships as a path for personal growth.

Come as you are! Let’s practice nourishing relationships together in this welcoming, non-judgmental space for growth, learning, and connection. 

Facilitator: Katherine Walters, katherine@leanintotransformation.com

Relationship coaching is my third career! I launched it in 2018 after my separation from my husband of 14 years, inspired by the book Conscious Uncoupling by Katherine Woodward Thomas, which transformed my life. After diving deep into the work, I became a certified coach in both Conscious Uncoupling and Calling in ‘The One’ and committed myself to helping others navigate their relational journeys.

In addition to my work in Authentic Relating, I also embrace the Law of Attraction (drawing inspiration from Mike Dooley’s teachings) as well as Sue Morter’s Energy Codes and BodyAwake Yoga.

With a bachelor’s degree in economics, an MBA, and a background as a CPA and U.S. Army Officer, I bring a unique mix of trustworthiness, kindness, compassion, and grounded optimism. My passion is to help raise the happiness and vibration of the world, while continuing to explore just how fulfilling and joyful life can be!

Learn More:  leanintotransformation.com