7:00 – 8:30 pm (EST), 1st & 3rd Tuesday in the KNOWING room.
Join me in reading and practicing the exercises in ATTUNEMENT by Marisa Moris. Marisa will guide us into the subtle and loving realms of Spirit by aligning us with our Source, enlightening the way to your Creator Self and guiding our practice of manifesting a life of Love and Joyful Bliss. Incorporating practical and easy visualizations you will learn to use your quantum nature to cleanse your mind, body, and soul with Spirit.
Marisa shares personal stories from her spiritual awakening that will deepen your understanding of the extraordinary gifts you were born with while fine-tuning those gifts to find and enjoy your life’s purpose.
We will be using meditations, grounding exercises, energy clearings, visualizations, journaling, and sharing to clear the way for your ATTUNEMENT to your spirit guides. “When you begin to align with Source and embody your Creator Self, the stresses and blocks in life no longer seem so difficult. The things you want (for your highest good) will appear. The things you haven’t gotten rid of (for your highest good) will disappear.”
Get ready to meet your Creator Self facilitated by Diane Hamrick, inspired by Marisa Moris, and prepare to have fun!
Book: ATTUNEMENT by Marisa Moris (Hay House, 2018)
Recommended Viewing: Proof of Heaven by Harvard Medical School Teacher
All of Reality is a Reflection of Itself
Facilitator: Dr. Diane Hamrick, dr.dhamrick@gmail.com, (843) 209-8347
I came to Charleston, SC, from LA, California in 1970 with a vision of making a difference in a town that I perceived to be 50 years behind in its collective consciousness from what I had experienced in LA. I completed my Ph.D. research at MUSC where I studied the (calming) of the orienting response (startle response) in children—a neurological requirement for all ensuing learning and successful adaptation. This led to my starting Pie-in-the-Sky, an open-classroom preschool where I could observe the natural learning behaviors in children. The school was a
subsidiary of Further, Inc. that organized and operated the HOTLINE of Charleston, a suicide prevention center. My private psychotherapy practice specialized in the diagnosis and remediation of Learning Disabilities in children and writing the educational plans for LD children. I became a Teaching Member of the International Transactional Analysis Association (based on Carl Jung’s theory and practices of clinical ego analysis and therapy) and applied TA toward the collaborative practices required for reaching mediated settlements in divorce cases. Parents were better than the Family Courts in prescribing how they were to separate their assets and debts and how best to raise their children after divorce. At the same time, I became involved in establishing Hospice of Charleston, a caring service where people could prepare to make their transition from their life consciously and conscientiously.
I took a sabbatical to study the application of Buddhism in my psychotherapy practice and, at the same time, I began my study of A Course in Miracles. I realized that all diseases of the mind and body begin in conflict within the mind and body and between egos identified with fear and struggling with the illusion of separation from one’s wholeness while identifying with the unforgiven and unforgiving, fearful, false self (ego identity) and struggling with issues of loneliness, alienation and betrayal incurred along the way. For 10 years I taught a course at the College of Charleston, “States of Consciousness,” that traced how Western thought systems maintained the notion of the separated, rational mind practices that maintained the illusion of
a separated, quantifiable, objective reality; whereas Eastern thought practices of meditation and yoga could lead one to experiences of integration and extended consciousness.
A midlife Vision Quest showed me that the practices of self-analysis in human nature, mediating between the inner reality of mind and body and the outer reality of having to adapt to the man-made reality, were supported with meditation and deep breathing and a prayer life of Serenity and Gratitude that includes the acceptance and forgiveness of our destructive habits (much like the AA 12-Steps) and can bring us to our peace of mind and realization (Wisdom) of our purpose for which our natural lives were designed while we live our brief time on earth.
I have come to consider myself an evolutionary humanist, a more holistic practitioner than the behavioral ego psychologist I was taught to be in my limited training as a clinical psychologist. However, a course in Existential Psychology inspired me to seek my identity through searching and identifying the meaning and purpose for my life.