10:30 am – 12:00 pm (EST) weekly Friday ONLINE.
Please join Kathy and the bliss community with this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82695875440 (Zoom 1)
A Course in Miracles is a course in non-dualism, which is summed up in the Introduction to the Text,
Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.
A Course in Miracles consists of three books: a Text, a Workbook for Students and a Manual for Teachers. While Jesus dictated the Course, it is not a course in religion. Nor will our meeting be a class. The Course is one of self-study, with the Text being more theoretical in nature and the included Workbook, more practical.
For more info on the Course, visit the Foundation for A Course in Miracles at facim.org.
The text will be displayed on a shared screen during the meeting, or you may purchase your own copy of A Course in Miracles, Combined volume, the only complete edition with clarification of terms and supplements available at acim.org and amazon.com.
Facilitator: Kathy Thomas, kattom50@bellsouth.net
Kathy has been a student of the Course for many years and looks forward to joining seekers and students of the Course each Friday morning for study and discussion.