What a year 2021 was for dream incubation and foundational expansion. Community bonds have become increasingly valuable as we all yearn to be connected, heard and loved within the void resulting from social distancing. Many more hours have become available to build deeply meaningful one on one and small group relationships. Ready or not, we have all been invited to become internal explorers of our own nature. We are reevaluating carefully how we choose to spend our time and resources and who we are spending them with.
Blessed with all this new awareness and looking forward to 2022 and the growth it will surely usher in, we continue our work to build community together. Thank you for sharing the journey, for volunteering where needed, for providing financial support and for loving each other with your kind open hearts in so many little ways that culminate into a beautiful life well lived.
Feeling Very Grateful for your YES!
Thank you (and you know who you are) for…
Sharing the journey
Balancing the budget
Rolling the trash & recycling bins to the curb
Facilitating a class, Intensive FUNraiser, or Well Being session
Making our bodies stronger and healthier
Filling the house with music
Sharing healing energy
Being dependable since the beginning
Trimming the grass and bushes
Dropping a buck in the hospitality jar
Being the toilet paper fairy
Organizing aspects of FUNraising
Donating furniture, rugs, and craft & kitchen supplies
Publishing an article or producing a video about bliss
Making soup, salad, or dessert for us
Arriving early to set up or at the end to clean up the Yard Sale
Sharing your wisdom
Being Handyperson Extraordinaire
Making jewelry and art for the bliss Boutique
Creating the weekly newsletter templates
Advising and proofing the 501c3 application
Frying fish or cooking oysters for the whole community
Expanding our minds
Volunteering for community outreach projects
Taking beautiful photos of our events
Giving out hugs
Restocking the hospitality bar and bringing fresh flowers
Donating materials and service for the labyrinth project
Coordinating our Meetup and social media posts
Dream incubating with us
Your presence while attending an ONSITE or ONLINE class
Washing & folding the linens
Saying “I Love You”
Sorting the donations
Delivering donations to our friends at the Neighborhood House
Being a sounding board
Setting up and maintaining the technology
Cleaning the house
Having the courage to come the first time
Cooking for a crowd on Tuesday
Sharing your published books
Promoting your class
Picking up sticks in the yard
Designing a rack card, flyer or sign-up sheet
Sharing your truth
Establishing and maintaining our data base
Planting and fertilizing the flowers
Unloading the dishwasher
Designing and updating the website
Organizing & labeling the lending library
Dancing with gusto
Serving on the Board
Shared Aaaah…Haaaah moments
Subbing for a class
Sharing our Facebook posts
Asking how can I help at just the right time
Parking well to accommodate others and putting a bliss sticker on your car
Being Wonderful YOU
Restocking and fluffing up the bliss Boutique items each week
Donating, organizing and promoting auction items for events
Bringing a friend
Being a monthly bliss Booster supporter
Signing in without being reminded
Helping us grow
Unlocking the door, turning on the open sign, & being welcoming
Writing and mailing thank-you notes
Tears & goosebumps
Staying after closing to help clean up and turn the lights out
and for being the friendly face of bliss!
As we return from the holidays, it is increasingly important that we care for one another. If you have been feeling ill, are waiting for a Covid test result or have been directly exposed to or caring for someone who has received a positive Covid test result please join us for ONLINE classes to combat isolation and receive support. If you have been feeling well, please join us ONSITE as soon as you are comfortable to reconnect as creating and maintaining strong bonds with others is long known to be beneficial to optimum health and happy feelings of wellbeing. However you choose to join us, we are grateful to be creating and maintaining meaningful connections with YOU.
Extending Love & Light to ALL in 2022 and beyond! -Tish