ONSITE $5/Bag bliss Community Yard Sale & 8 for $20 bliss Boutique Sale

Saturday, April 5th, 8am-2pm ***CHUCK DAWLEY ROAD IS OPEN TO PLEASANT OAKS DRIVE FROM 526 & BOWMAN BEFORE AND DURING THE RACE*** DONATE * VOLUNTEER * SHOP $5/Paper Grocery Bag starting at 8am. Have fun filling em up!!!! Everything MUST GO and we are not attached to it!!!!! Come rummage for unique treasure through hundreds…

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ONSITE Discover Your New Human & Soul Self Emerging from the Shift w/ Dr Wendy Perrell

7:00 – 8:30 pm (EST), March 24th in the KNOWING room AND continuing monthly ONLINE every 4th Monday with a new topic. Wendy will be visiting Charleston this month for an in-person class. Please consider making a donation to support this ONSITE and future ONLINE offerings at givetobliss.com. Are you feeling different, a bit lost…

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ONSITE Unlock the Wisdom of YOUR Akashic Records WellBEing Session w/ Jessica Jones

Two sessions offered: 10:30-11:30am AND 11:45am-12:45pm (EST) every 1st and 3rd Wednesday in the KNOWING room. Private 1-hour introductory sessions offered for a minimum pre-paid $21 donation via VENMO (@Bliss-SpiritualCo-op) or Credit Card (givetobliss.com). Please Check Availability RSVP and then follow the instructions to make your donation which completes your registration, or you may be…

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Give Smart SC App

Thank you for supporting all that has become bliss for so many with YOUR tax-deductible financial contributions! bliss Spiritual Co-op is a 501c3 public charity. Please consider becoming a monthly bliss Booster at givetobliss.com. The Secretary of State’s free Give Smart SC mobile app is now available! Before you make a donation, use Give Smart SC to see if a charity is…

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ONSITE Beginner Mah Jongg w/ Cathy Lebeaux

6:00 – 8:00 pm (EST), Thursday, March 27th & April 3rd in the CONNECTING Cafe. Mah Jongg is a tile-based strategy game that originated in China in the 19th century. It is played by matching the tiles to create sets and pairs. Do you want to learn how to play? Please try to attend both…

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