7:00 – 8:30 pm (EST), monthly on the 2nd Wednesday in the KNOWING room.
This lecture series will highlight the role of teachers in Eastern Traditions by presenting biographies of different saints, seekers, and gurus. The tradition of seeking, evaluating, accepting, and following a spiritual teacher is deeply rooted in Hindu society from the time of the earliest Hindu writings.
In Hinduism, it is believed that certain individuals have developed spiritually to the point where they can lead others to liberation (moksha) or give them access to spiritual states either in this life, or after death. These teachers are believed to have special abilities, such as the capacity to give darshan (a transfer of blessings or spiritual power from guru to disciple via glance or mantra). In addition, some gurus are said to be able to enter a disciple’s dreams to give teachings or initiation. Sometimes the guru’s gaze can cause a profound spiritual experience. Many students claim to sense a spiritual atmosphere around their teacher which affects their moods and perceptions in positive ways.
Presenting spiritual biographies is one way to explore these traditions and gain access to the wisdom they contain.
Facilitator: Jim Deno, 843-276-0047
Jim is familiar with the Hindu tradition having spent a year doing research in India interviewing holy men and women about their culture and experiences. He is the author of multiple web sites on mysticism and has written short biographies on many famous Indian saints and gurus. He was also the author of several articles on Indian and Western culture in Calcutta newspapers.